Lodi, Church of Saint Agnes



The Church of Saint Agnes dates back to the XIV century when it was given to the Conventual order of St. Augustine. Bishop Bonifacio Botticella at the end of the century commissioned its adornment and extension. The Augustinians lived there until 1523 , when the church was given to the Canons Regular of the Lateran, who remained for only five years and were replaced by the Hermits of Saint Augustine until the order was suppressed in 1798. The church was then put under the authority of the Church of Saint Lawrence. The façade features a raised gable at the centre and is divided into three partitions by brick half-pillars. In the side niches there are high single-lancet windows, a rose window at the centre; the splayed central portal, is adorned with polychrome majolica shields and details. The inside features three naves with lancet arches resting on large cylindrical pillars, with non-ribbed cross vaults, which end in a polygonal apse with a ribbed vault and torus ribbed arches. In the first altar on the right you may admire the massive “Galliani” polyptych by Alberto Piazza; while the precious XV century crucifix stands out from the central apse.




Lodi, Via Marsala

Phone Number:



Apertura dalle 8.00 alle 11.30
Messa feriale: 9.00
Messa domenica e festivi: 10.30


Lodi, Church of Saint Agnes
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